Thursday, January 24, 2013

1-20-2013 (Warning: Some profanity. It might get a teensy bit ranty in one spot.)

     Okay, it's only day three and I'm already going to break a rule. I just got home from work and I can't stay awake. I haven't been this tired in a long time, so I'm writing this and then I'll have to finish this page when I wake up, which may be after midnight. Night night! I'm back. It's 8:28 AM on 1-21-2013. I'm so ashamed. Oh well. I could not keep my eyes opened, but I got a good rest. In bed by 8:00 PM. What an old man. Anywho, in pursuit of my new writing career, I thought, “Hey, let's look into taking a creative writing class down at the local community college!” You know, to start networking or schmooze my way into getting a mentor – stuff like that. Well, holy hell, it's 500 bucks! Granted, you can take two courses and it costs exactly the same, but I don't have $500 to spend either way, so the point is moot. I want to visit my brother and sister-in-law today, so I want to get this done quickly. I'm going to bring pie and nachos, so, like, how can they refuse, eh? I've been thinking about how I want to address my audience in this “journal”. Like that last sentence, I almost just used my brother and sister-in-law's names, as you would if you were just writing for yourself. But then I started thinking about the wider audience if this ever went public or had to be marketed. Not so much from a privacy standpoint, just from a less-awkward-to-read standpoint. Either way, if it ever got to that point, there would be enough proofreading and rewrites that something like that could easily be changed in those processes. On to the Sims 3... I finished “me” and my new house. I made it as lifelike as possible, but I need a job badly. I have “walls” but no “wall coverings” inside and out, and “I” am not happy. And that stuff costs money. Oh, I had to move the TV, which is in my bedroom in real life, out into the common area (kitchen/dining room), because he won't sit on the bed to watch it and he looks dumb having to stand to watch TV. I think I'll refer to him in the third person from now on, since I sometimes need to differentiate between something “I” do in the game and something the sim does. I'm sorta feeling the need for paragraphs, but I'd feel like I'm cheating. I have to decide on my sim's career. I want it to be something I could realistically do. Like I couldn't be a cop or doctor in real life, for example. I also don't want to choose a career I wouldn't want to do in real life, like Business or Criminal. That leaves Culinary, Journalism, and Politics. Hey, I thought you didn't want to be a criminal. Ba-dum-dum. In case you didn't know, the job market sucks, if I may digress. All the go-getter corporate slave minds are being forced to take more menial jobs. Menial jobs that us not-as-ambitious types count on for our livelihoods! I went for an interview for a shitty call center job a few weeks back. I wore my polo shirt and nice tan Docker-knockoffs. So I get there and I'm pointed to a waiting room filled with people in business suits and briefcases and they just looked like people I wouldn't particularly like in the outside world. I wanted to scream, “What the hell are you people doing here? Go run a board meeting or play golf or ride around in your Rolls or whatever it is you corporate-types do! Stop taking our jobs! (Yeah. South Park. I know. Move along.) For fuck's sake, this is just some SHITTY JOB!” Seriously, this country is fucked if these corporate-looking fuckers are scrounging for our shit jobs. Seriously. That's why I'm forced to work at Wal-mart. Don't get me wrong. I appreciate the job and it's really not as bad as you might think. The only problem I have with it is that the pay sucks. And it's coming up on a year of me working there trying to find something else and there's nothing out there. Nothing except fast food. I've worked fast food, and again, I don't have a problem with the work; it's just that the pay sucks. I can't get ahead in my life AT ALL. I'm stagnated. It's been a year since I moved in with Chris and I am none-the-better financially. I always have a TV or music on, because I hate having a moment to my thoughts. I start feeling really hopeless. Anyway, so Culinary, Journalism, or Politics! I checked on and there's not much in the way of the first two in this area and I wouldn't even begin to know how to get into politics, beyond being a volunteer. So Politics might be out from the get-go. I'll dive a little deeper into this today or tomorrow and hopefully make an informed decision. I have to do this in real life too! Scary stuff! And my sim just made his first three wishes: “Learn Writing Skill”, “Take a Class in the Writing Skill” (Oh my god! That is freaking weird!), and “Order Pizza”. Uh oh, I think I made him too good. Poor bastard.

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