Tuesday, January 29, 2013


      Okay, so I just finished the last entry and now it's 2:23 PM, 1-28-2013. I can't believe the day's more than half over! I just woke up! I'm hungry. Be back soon. I'm back and it's five hours later. I made some potato and egg tacos and I caught up on all the Daily Shows and Colbert Reports on hulu. Then, I watched an American Idol and then I watched this season's first three episodes of Girls. Oh and I cleaned the kitchen too! So at least it wasn't a totally lazy day. And now, I'm watching an episode of Portlandia. I really need to jump into this Cracked article, but I don't know how to start, like what to write it on, so I think I'm maybe procrastinating a little. Well, it's already 9:16 PM, and I haven't played Sims in ages or a few days, actually, so I feel like playing a little before bed. And then, work is tomorrow. But then, I'm off for two days and I am really gonna get on it. I used to work Saturday through Tuesday and be off Wednesday through Friday, but now my days off are split, being off Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Woah. I just checked my schedule online and for Feb 09 – Feb 15, they have me scheduled for 40 hours. That's weird. First of all, my official schedule availability is supposed to cap me at 28 hours per week. Now here's the thing. A few months ago, they just started scheduling me 32 hours per week. I never said anything, because, let's be honest, I really need the money. But what's strange is that as a part-timer, they get really excited if you work over 32 hours in a week. I can't remember exactly what the deal is, something like if you work over a certain number of hours every week (I forget, but like somewhere between 35-39) for a certain number of weeks, they have to make you full-time. So are they making me full-time? I mean, because the schedule is different from the week before, I'm pretty sure someone had to go in and make it, like a purposeful, manual override, ya know? In any event, I need the money, so I'm just going to keep my mouth shut again. If it's a mistake and they fix it, that's cool. If someone screwed up and they don't catch it, I guess I'll just let myself slip naturally into full-time – like I said...money...need...badly.

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't say anything.. just let it ride and see what happens, maybe they will make u full time. I work part time and I get a whole 25 hours a week, whoopee.
